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Wiki: w:c:magical-girl-mahou-shoujo


#有言実行三姉妹 シュシュトリアン

Extra information: Thank You!

Signature: The Lover of the Magical Girls! Juliominako! (talk) 20:32, September 23, 2014 (UTC)


Mysterious Nile Girl Thutmose (不思議少女ナイルなトトメス Fushigi Shōjo Nairu na Totomesu)

【シリーズストーリー】 中島サナエ(堀川早苗)は、新しい住まいに引っ越して来た事を先祖の墓に報告したが、そのときに誤って墓を壊してしまい、そこに封印されていたナイルの悪魔51匹を人間界に放出してしまう。その後、初代トトメスからの命令で2代目トトメスに変身し、その悪魔たちを退治することになる。

Series story
Sanae Nakashima[1] (Sanae Horikawa)[2] tells the tomb stone of her ancestor about her move to a new house, but then accidentally breaks it, and 51 Nile demons are released into the human world. After that, she transforms to the second generation Thutmose[3] on the command of the first generation Thutmose, and is tasked to exterminate the demons.

✔️ Done by YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ

✔️ Recorrected cause previous corrections did not match with Japanese text. — YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ 2015年03月10日、07:09:56 

【シリーズ解説】 美しく戦いたい。空に、太陽がある限り。不思議少女、ナイルなトトメス!/「美少女仮面ポワトリン」の成功を受けて、制作された東映不思議コメディーシリーズ第12作。「美少女仮面ポワトリン」に引き続き、脚本は東映の特撮シリーズを数多く手がけ、実写版「忍たま乱太郎」の脚本でも知られる浦沢義雄が一人で全作を執筆した。乙女塾出身の堀川早苗が出演し、話題にもなった作品。先祖・初代トトメスの力により、ナイルなトトメスへの変身能力を授かり、「イブンバツータ・スカラベルージュ」という呪文で変身し、51匹のナイルの悪魔と戦う不思議コメディー。

Series explanation
"I want to fight beautifully, as long as the sun is in the sky. Mysterious Girl, Nile Tuthmose."[4] It's the 12th work of Toei Fushigi Comedy Series, after their succesful work La Belle Fille Masquée Poitrine. Following "La Belle Fille Masquée Poitrine", Yoshio Urasawa [5], who is known for his work on the scripts of many tokusatsu-movies from Toei and the live action version of Nintama Rantarō among other things, wrote the entire script [of Mysterious Nile Girl Tuthmose]. The work became topical because Sanae Horikawa, a graduate of Otome-juku[6] played in it. It is a Fushigi Comedy of a girl who is granted the ability to change herself to Nile Tuthmose by her forefather, the first generation Thutmose, and transforms with a spell "Ibn Battuta, Scarab Rouge" to fight against 51 Nile demons.

✔️ Done by YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ and --Plover-Y (talk / KirbyWiki / WLB Wiki) 2014-12-10 14:52 (UTC)

✔️ Finished correctionYATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ 2015年03月10日、07:09:56 


Utau! Dai Ryugujo (うたう!大龍宮城 Utau! Dai Ryūgūjō, Sing! Great Ryugujo)

【シリーズストーリー】 勉強嫌いの浦島タローくんは、あるとき、タクシーの運転手のカメを助けたことによって龍宮城に連れて行かれる夢を見ることになったのです。そこで出会った龍宮城の乙姫はカメを助けてくれたついでに、棲むところがない私も助けてほしいとタローくんにお願いしました。美しい海の深くに浮かんでいる龍宮城は高級リゾート開発の工事のため、海が汚染され猛毒ガスが発生して崩壊していたのです。また龍宮城では、勉強すると素直に遊べなくなるので勉強してはいけないというルールがありました。勉強嫌いのタローくんは、乙姫が家に来てくれると勉強をしなくて済むと考えました。こうして何もかもが違う龍宮城の乙姫と浦島タローとの不思議な共同生活がはじまったのです。

Series story
One time, Tarō Urashima (浦島タロー Urashima Tarō),[7] who hates studying and had a dream that he was taken to the Ryūgū-jō[8] after he saved the taxi driver Kame.[9] While he helped Kame, the young princess[10] in Ryūgū-jō requested Tarō to help her as well, because there was no place to live. Ryūgū-jō, which floats deep in the beautiful sea, collapsed because of the development of a high-quality resort that polluted the sea and produced deadly poison gas. In addition, the people who live at Ryūgū-jō have a rule that they must not study because they will not be able to play obediently if they study. So, Tarō who hates studying thought that if Otohime will come to his house, he don't have to study. In this way, Otohime who is from Ryūgū-jō and Tarō Urasha who are very different from each other mysteriously started living together.
  • Otohime and Taro Urashima started living together
    • Otohime was from Ryūgū-jō
    • Otohime and Taro Urashima have nothing in common.
    • The combination of them living together is mysterious and weird.

✔️ Done Rider ranger47 (talk) 17:04, December 14, 2014 (UTC)

Rider_ranger47さん, Thank you for correcting! -- Plover-Y

【シリーズ解説】 人生は二度ない、三度ある



【Series explanation】

You don't live twice, live three times!

It's the 13th Toei Fushigi Comedy Series including musical elements!(1)

It's a comedy drama ― Otohime, who is from Ryūgū-jō, which was devastated by pollution of the global environment comes the world of humans and causes a variety of disturbances.
Many actors, Edo Yamaguchi (ja エド 山口, Edo Yamaguchi), Satoru Saitō (ja 斉藤 暁, Saitō Satoru) and others play characters who are personalized fish and shellfish and develop the unique(or distinctive?) world.(2)  Following "Mysterious Nile Girl Thutmose" (ja 不思議少女ナイルなトトメス), Yoshio Urasawa (ja 浦沢 義雄 Urasawa Yoshio) wrote an all new script alone. It presents an absurd and bizarre comedy.

  • It (Utau! Dai Ryugujo) is the 13th Toei Fushigi Comedy Series.
    • It also includes the element of the musical.
  • Many actors ――Edo Yamaguchi (ja エド 山口, Edo Yamaguchi), Satoru Saitō (ja 斉藤 暁, Saitō Satoru) and others―― play characters.
    • The characters are personalized fishes and shellfishes.
    • The actors develop the unique(or distinctive?) world.
✔️ Done(But this English is broken) --Plover-Y (talk / KirbyWiki / WLB Wiki) 2014-10-09 15:16 (UTC)
「シリーズストーリー」の日本語文が意味不明! 物申したい!

✔️ Done --Rider ranger47 (talk) 17:52, December 27, 2014 (UTC)

Rider ranger47さん, thank you very much!! --Plover-Y (talk)

有言実行三姉妹 シュシュトリアン[]

Yugenjikko Sisters Chouchoutrian (有言実行三姉妹シスターズシュシュトリアン, Yūgenjikkō Shisutāzu Shushutorian)
means...... (Three) Sisters who carry out her word, Chouchoutrian
  • They are (three) sisters.
    • 三姉妹 means three sisters. But 三姉妹 has a ruby "シスターズ". The ruby, シスターズ means sisters. So, please wrap "three" in parentheses.
    • The sisters carry out their word and make good on their promises.


It is the final series in special effects films "(Toei) Fushigi Comedy (Series)" which depicts activity of the neighborhood heroines by Toei.(1) Three cute sisters are ordered to maintain peace by the kami[11] of the Rooster, "Otori-sama", and they play outstandingly against a weird Yōkai (specters). It prepares a luxurious supporting role, Akaji Maro (磨 赤兒 Maro Akaji), Mitsuru Fukikoshi (吹越 満 Fukikoshi Mitsuru), and others say.

  • This (=Yugenjikko Sisters Chouchoutrian) is the final series in "(Toei) Fushigi Comedy (Series)" by Toei.
    • (=Yugenjikko Sisters Chouchoutrian) depicts activity of the neighborhood heroines.
  • The supporting roles are grand/luxurious/luxuriant.
    • Akaji Maro (磨 赤兒 Maro Akaji), Mitsuru Fukikoshi (吹越 満 Fukikoshi Mitsuru), and others are the supporting roles.

✔️ Done Rider ranger47 (talk) 22:22, January 6, 2015 (UTC)

Rider ranger47さん, Thank you for correcting! --Plover-Y (talk) 2015-08-18 10:49 (UTC)

【解説】“不思議コメディー"シリーズのラストを飾る快作。中華魔女や美少女仮面、龍宮城の乙姫といった多彩なヒロインに続いて誕生したのは、妖怪退治シスターズだった! 高校生の雪子、中学生の月子、小学生の花子の仲良し三姉妹は、酉年の神様である「お酉様」から一方的に、「酉年の平和を守れ」と言い渡されてしまう。その日から彼女たちは、酉年限定のヒロイン・シュシュトリアンとなったのだ。三姉妹は「お酉様」の使いであるフライドチキン男からの指令を受けて、今日もまたイカれた妖怪たちを相手に戦うのであるーー。麿赤兒、吹越満、柴田理恵といった“不思議コメディー"ならではのレギュラー(準レギュラー)キャストに加え、ゲストには松尾スズキや千秋が出演。縦横無尽の『シュシュトリアン』ワールドに、君もハマれ!!

It's a masterpiece which has the honor of ending the "(Toei) Fushigi Comedy" Series. Yōkai-buster sisters are come, following various heroines ― such as the Chinese witches[12], the beautiful masked-belle girl[13], the princess of the Dragon's Palace, Otohime[14]! Three sisters, Yukiko (雪子) ,a high school student, Tsukiko (月子) a junior in high school, and Hanako (花子), an elementary school student are ordered to "maintain peace of the Year of the Rooster" by the Kami of the Rooster, "Otori-sama" one-sidedly . From that day, they become the Year of the Rooster-only heroines, Chouchoutrian. The three sisters receive commissions from the Fried chicken man (ja フライドチキン男) who is a messenger of "Otori-sama", and also fight against screwy Yōkai again today.(1) In addition to regular (and semi-regular) players — Akaji Maro (磨 赤兒 Maro Akaji), Mitsuru Fukikoshi (吹越 満 Fukikoshi Mitsuru), Rie Shibata (柴田 理恵 Shibata Rie), and others — whom there are suitable roles for on "Unnatural Comedy", it invites Suzuki Matsuo (松尾 スズキ Matsuo Suzuki) and Chiaki (千秋) as guest players.(2) Be absorbed in most actively world, "Chouchoutrian"!

  • The three sisters fight against Yōkai again today.
    • The Yōkai are screwy / crazy / messed up in the head.
  • In addition to regular (and semi-regular) players, it has guest players.
    • Akaji Maro (磨 赤兒 Maro Akaji), Mitsuru Fukikoshi (吹越 満 Fukikoshi Mitsuru), Rie Shibata (柴田 理恵 Shibata Rie), and others are the regular (and semi-regular) players (for this series). They are suitable roles for on "Unnatural Comedy".
    • Suzuki Matsuo (松尾 スズキ Matsuo Suzuki) and Chiaki (千秋) are guest players.


The masterpiece that has the honor of closing the "(Toei) Fushigi Comedy" Series finally appeared! If three sisters gather, …… they become invincible heroines! Strongest three sisters in history, visit here!

✔️ Done (Please correct!) --Plover-Y (talk / KirbyWiki / WLB Wiki) 2014-10-10 11:49 (UTC)


Adding the translations in between the text so it's clear which parts are translations from which section.
YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ | 2014年09月25日、05:39:29 


Hi, Everyone!! Yatalu-san and I translated the request Translate:Japanese text (JA → EN) and Rider ranger47-san helped some correction. But... as you know, I can only write "Engrish", so I haven't finished this request yet. Would you please help me about 3rd section of this request? Thanks, --Plover-Y (talk) 2015-08-18 11:02 (UTC)

Ajax In progress Correction in progress. Rider ranger47 (talk) 22:31, November 25, 2014 (UTC)

Anything I have placed it italics I can not understand well enough to correct, as I know nothing on the topic of this summary. -- Rider ranger47 (talk) 22:42, November 25, 2014 (UTC)

Ajax In progress Yatalu-san and Rider ranger47-san, thank you for correction! I write note. --Plover-Y (talk / KirbyWiki / WLB Wiki) 2014-12-05 23:41 (UTC)

✔️ Done I completely forgot about this, but that should just about do it. Ώ Rider ranger47 ][Talk Contributions ] 01:21, September 22, 2015 (UTC)

Rider ranger47-san, thank you for helping! --Plover-Y (talk) 2015-09-22 12:00 (UTC)


  1. Sanae Nakashima (中島なかしまサナエ Nakashima Sanae). This is the name of the character.
  2. Sanae Horikawa (堀川ほりかわ早苗さなえ Horikawa Sanae). This is the name of the actress.
  3. Japanese: トトメス (Totomesu).
  4. Keeping this in first person, because according to this page, it's her slogan.
  5. Yoshio Urasawa (浦沢うらさわ義雄よしお Urasawa Yoshio)
  6. Otome-juku was a talent training course for actresses, singers, etc. organized by Fuji Television from 1989 to 1991. Japanese Wikipedia article: 乙女塾)
  7. Whose first name is Tarō (タロー), and last name is Urashima (浦島). The origin of his name is the Japanese old tale Urashima_Tarō.
  8. Dragon's Palace ― the undersea palace of Ryūjin
  9. His name is Umikichi Kameyama, but "kame" is also Japanese for "turtle".
  10. Otohime
  11. Sometimes they translate "神 (kami)" to God, but Kami in Japan aren't God.
  12. from Magical Chinese Girl Pai Pai! (魔法少女ちゅうかなぱいぱい! Mahō Shōjo Chūka na Pai Pai!!) and Magical Chinese Girl Ipanema! (魔法少女ちゅうかないぱねま! Mahō Shōjo Chūka na Ipanema!)
  13. from Bishojo Kamen Poitrine (The Masked Belle Poitrine)
  14. from Utau! Dai Ryugujo (うたう!大龍宮城 Utau! Dai Ryūgūjō, Sing! Great Ryugujo)