This request is rejected for the following reason: No response from requester in 30 days
Example spotlight image:
- Ever After High Turkey Wikia (al • sp • up)
- Caption
- TR: Ever After High Türkçe olarak bu sayfada
- EN: Ever After High Turkish as this page
- Berkay879 • Wall • Contribs
Berkay879 (talk) 19:09, September 28, 2015 (UTC)
Hey! Thanks for requesting a spotlight. It looks like you've put quite some effort in the wiki, congratulations :) however, two small remarks:
- your wiki language is set to "English" according to this page — can I set it to "Turkish" ?
- there are a lot of uncategorized pages — please reduce them so that there's only few pages without categories.
Otherwise, I already made the spotlight image. Let me know if you like it :)
YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ 2015年12月02日、15:34:08
- Since this request has not gotten a reply from its requester for over a month, I'm closing it now. If you have improved the addressed points and you would still like to have a spotlight, please create a new request.
- YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ 2016年03月06日、12:36:06