Language Brigade Wiki
This request is accepted and will be up soon.
Example spotlight image:
InuYasha Chinese Wiki spotlight
Suggested image
Winx Club Spotlight

This is the image the spotlight should use

See image guidelines (reloads page)
Final spotlight
SR-Винкс вики
Click on the image to see 1:1 resolution
Helper will upload image

This Serbian wiki about Winx Club has 50 articles now.

Josep Maria 20. (discussiócontribucions) 14:20, November 29, 2015 (UTC)


Hi! Thanks for making a spotlight request. The wiki meets the conditions and has been approved, so I made a spotlight picture.

However, if I picked the suggested image, her mouth would be cut off and it wouldn't look good. Therefore I tried out a different image. Let me know if you like it.

(I also tried a different image on your other request, please compare them and let me know if I use different images for SR/RO, or if you would like both with this image or both with the other image.)

YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ 2015年12月12日、15:33:55