Language Brigade Wiki
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Open requests | Recently closed requests
What are spotlights?

Wikia Spotlights are the images that you see at the entire bottom of a page (where it says "⧼oasis-spotlights-footer-title⧽" - click here for a preview ?). They appear on each page that links to other Wikia sites!

To let other people know that your wiki exists too, you may therefore want to request a spotlight. That way, more people may find out about it :)

Languages that cannot be requested
If your wiki is in one of the languages in the table below, you cannot request a spotlight on this wiki. Please go to the central wiki of your language, as is indicated below.
be Для беларускамоўных банараў гл. тут.
ca Per spotlights en català mira aquí.
en For English spotlights, please visit this page.
es Para spotlights en español ver aquí.
fi Saat Suomen wikit, katso Yhteisöwiki:Valokeilahakemukset.
fr Pour les wikis à la une en français, voir ici.
ko 한국어 위키을 참조 여기에.
ja 日本語のスポットライトについては、こちらをご覧ください。
it Per gli spotlight italiani, vedi qui.
nl Voor Nederlandstalige spotlights, zie deze pagina.
pl Aby zgłosić polskojęzyczny spotlight, zobacz tę stronę.
pt Para pedidos em português, por favor, ver aqui.
ru Для русскоязычных баннеров см. здесь.
uk Для україномовних банерів див. тут.
vi For Vietnamese wikis, see here.
zh 如欲申请中文聚光灯,请登陆社区中心论坛进行申请。
Request a spotlight
Languages allowed

See the above table: if the language of your wiki is in the table, please go to the page linked there.

What does your wiki need?

The wiki should have:

  • At least 50 good pages (more than 1 paragraph).
  • A customized logo.
  • A useful home page (linking to articles in the wiki).
  • Most or all pages in a category.
  • A customized New Wikia Look.
Making your request
  • Click the "New request" button, fill out all fields in English.
  • "Caption" is the second line of the image (below your wiki name) - this should be short!
  • The English caption should be a translation of the one in your own language.
  • Double check if you filled out everything, and publish.
→ button ←
Attention! You're not done yet! Please add a picture to your request.
Adding a picture
  • Choose a picture for your spotlight.
    • It should be relevant for the wiki's topic.
    • It must be at least 300px wide and 200px tall.
      • 300px x 250px = works
      • 4000px x 300px = works
      • Wallpaper format (1280x720) = works
      • 300px x 100px = not working
      • 200px x 500px = not working
    • This image will be used as background image for the spotlight.
  • Add the picture to your page.
Wait for answer
  • After posting your request, it may take up to 5-10 days to be finished; please be patient!
  • Yatalu or Vuh will do your request: if you have questions, post it on their message wall.
Spotlight is up
  • You will receive a message from Yatalu or Vuh when your spotlight is up.
  • Note that you cannot change your spotlight once it has been put online.