Language Brigade Wiki
This request is accepted and will be up soon.
Example spotlight image:
InuYasha Chinese Wiki spotlight
Suggested image

This is the image the spotlight should use

See image guidelines (reloads page)
Final spotlight
File:KO/마이 리틀 포니 위키.jpg
Click on the image to see 1:1 resolution
Helper will upload image

I just want more Korean people to see my wiki.

Hello and thanks for requesting a spotlight. Your wiki is in perfect shape with no stubs and only 4 uncategorized pages. Your request has hereby been accepted, and you should see your spotlight image up soon. If by Monday this isn't the case, let me know.
YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ | 2014年08月02日、09:14:04 
It's applied now, Thank you!
Miri-Nae (talk) 01:21, August 3, 2014 (UTC)