Language Brigade Wiki
Language Brigade Wiki
This request is rejected for the following reason: Already accepted on other request page
Example spotlight image:
InuYasha Chinese Wiki spotlight
Suggested image
Team soccer BoBoiBoy

This is the image the spotlight should use

See image guidelines (reloads page)
Final spotlight
File:ID/Wiki BoBoiBoy Berbahasa Indonesia.jpg
Click on the image to see 1:1 resolution
Helper will upload image

Because, this wiki is really need a popular wide :D.

Hi, thanks for requesting a spotlight. The wiki looks really good :) However, I was wondering if you could write a different caption? Something that is relevant to the wiki's topic, like "Read more about BoBoiBoy in Indonesian!"

Thank you! — YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ 2015年02月03日、06:36:59 

It's already changed! TransformerTime! 06:30, February 5, 2015 (UTC)

See Spotlight request:ID/BoBoiBoy WikiYATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ 2015年02月13日、06:10:04