Language Brigade Wiki
This request is accepted and will be up soon.
Example spotlight image:
InuYasha Chinese Wiki spotlight
Suggested image

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Final spotlight
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Helper will upload image
  • Scoobypédia (alspup)
  • Caption
    • HU: A magyar nyelvű Scooby-adatbázis
    • EN: The Hungarian Scooby database!
  • Sasos (talk) 12:00, August 19, 2014 (UTC)Sasos

We would like to make our Hungarian Scooby-community bigger, and to let people know about the Hungarian version of Scoobypedia. We would like to have more great articles in the future, at least 500, and we will need help to make this real.

Thank you for asking a spotlight! Your wiki looks good, and your request has been accepted :) I can not yet put it up currently, but I will let you know when I can.
YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ | 2014年08月25日、05:50:03