This request is accepted and will be up soon.
Example spotlight image:
- Winx Club Wiki (al • sp • up)
- Caption
- CS: Přijďte poznat kouzelný svět
- EN: Come to know a magic world
- Josep Maria Roca Peña • Wall • Contribs
This wiki in Czech has 66 articles until now, and İ’m admin on this wiki. A Spotlight would be useful to the wiki to attract new users. Thanks!
Josep Maria 21. (discussió • contribucions) 5:12, May 24, 2017 (UTC)
Hi, thank you for requesting an international spotlight! I've looked at your wiki and it meets all the criteria for a spotlight: your request is accepted.
I have uploaded a spotlight image under "Final spotlight" in the green box. Please let me know within a week if you like it, and if I can use it as a spotlight image. Thank you!