This request is accepted and will be up soon.
Example spotlight image:
- বাংলা বিশ্বকোষ (al • sp • up)
- Caption
- BN: মুক্ত ফ্যানন বিশ্বকোষ
- EN: Free fanon Encyclopedia
- Abdullah Al Noman • Wall • Contribs
This is largest bengali wikia community. So I think my wiki should be featured wikia-wide.
Abdullah Al Noman (talk) 10:51, December 2, 2015 (UTC)
Hi! Thanks for requesting a spotlight, your wiki seems to meet all the criteria :)
However, small comments regarding the image:
- you needed to upload the image in "Suggested image", not "Final spotlight" (I will upload "Final spotlight")
- can you upload an image without text on it?
I'll do your spotlight once it's in order :)
YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ 2015年12月12日、15:38:18
- I've created the spotlight picture now. Please let us know if it's alright!
- YATTA ヽ( ° ヮ° )ノ ☆ 2015年12月16日、15:08:40