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WLB Gold™ is the third of three special statuses you can receive as a Brigadier. You can reach it after obtaining WLB Bronze™ and WLB Silver™. Each of these means that you are an especially amazing WLB user, even more amazing than all the others (because all WLB members are amazing ♥).
You will first become WLB Bronze™ member automatically after fulfilling the conditions stated below.
- Is a Language Brigadier for at least 1 month
- Leaving cancels this condition
- Rejoining resets the "1 month" counter
- Has 50 edits or more on the wiki, not counting the following namespaces:
- "User:", "Thread:" and "Board thread:"
- Any talk namespace ("Talk:", "Template talk:", ...)
- Has completed or at least largely contributed to 1 translation/correction
- For both translations and corrections, request pages count
- For translations, translating a full WLB article also counts
- Has still been active on the wiki in the past year
- Log actions (e.g. user avatar change) also count
- Joining the chat does not count
WLB Bronze™ will be granted by either the Standard-bearer or an administrator but will be granted to anyone who meets the above conditions.
After acquiring WLB Bronze™, the road for WLB Silver™ is open to you. WLB Silver™ is granted by Josep Maria Roca Peña, the wiki's Standard-bearer.
- Has WLB Bronze™ for at least 1 month and still meets the conditions
- Is a Language Brigadier for at least 3 months as above
- Has 100 edits or more on the wiki, not counting the namespace as above
- Has completed or at least largely contributed to 1 translation/correction as above
Meeting the above conditions does not mean you will automatically get WLB Silver™. WLB Silver™ is granted only by the wiki's Standard-bearer, Josep Maria Roca Peña, who chooses users from WLB Bronze™ to be awarded Silver™.
WLB Gold™ can only be awarded to WLB Silver™ members that are very outstanding ♪ It is granted by Yatalu.
- Has WLB Silver™ for at least 1 month and still meets the conditions
- Has 250 edits or more on the wiki, not counting the namespaces as above
- Is an excellent user who constructively contributes to the WLB
WLB Gold™ can only be granted by Yatalu. As with Silver™, it will not necessarily be granted just by meeting the above conditions; it should be regarded as a sort of award for exceptional membership and is not a "right" once you have met the conditions.
WLB Gold™, Silver™ and Bronze™ may be retracted in the following cases:
- When wiki rules are broken (judged case-by-case)
- When the above conditions are no longer met (always)
- When the WLB Gold™ user is globally blocked (always)
Additionally, if it is found that you asked or hinted to be awarded WLB Silver™ or Gold™, you will become ineligible of receiving any of the statuses.