Language Brigade Wiki
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This stats page will show our wiki's activity overview. This will probably partially reflect the popularity of our WLB project, as well as the activity of our members. 

Views, edits and uploaded photos are pulled off the Admin Dashboard, where they are only be stored for a week – this means that if I don't manage to update them within a week, they'll be gone. WAM score and rank can be viewed at any time on


⧼quickstats-header-date⧽ ⧼quickstats-header-views⧽ ⧼quickstats-header-edits⧽ ⧼quickstats-header-photos⧽ ⧼wam-index-header-score⧽ ⧼wam-index-header-rank⧽
2016/02/01 1407 144 1 54.66 2071
2016/02/02 429 55 0 59.20 1822
2016/02/03 864 68 0 61.15 1728
2016/02/04 497 129 0 61.41 1704
2016/02/05 529 18 0 60.82 1730
2016/02/06 928 53 0 54.12 2073
2016/02/07 816 44 0 61.41 1708
2016/02/08 516 27 0 61.26 1731
2016/02/09 610 35 3 60.88 1750
2016/02/10 662 53 2 53.15 2113
2016/02/11 1101 81 3 58.69 1840
2016/02/12 2178 149 0 54.11 2049
2016/02/13 1292 87 0 57.77 1880
2016/02/14 1128 52 3 62.98 1637
2016/02/15 581 14 0 63.61 1614
2016/02/16 616 25 0 63.72 1608
2016/02/17 676 35 0 63.20 1621
2016/02/18 1008 68 2 63.75 1588
2016/02/19 865 51 0 62.94 1624
2016/02/20 846 34 0 63.31 1594
2016/02/21 1934 312 2
2016/02/22 471 23 0
2016/02/23 303 9 0
2016/02/24 850 245 0
2016/02/25 474 24 0
2016/02/26 326 9 1
2016/02/27 1369 159 0
2016/02/28 678 62 0
2016/02/29 207 6 0


⧼quickstats-header-date⧽ ⧼quickstats-header-views⧽ ⧼quickstats-header-edits⧽ ⧼quickstats-header-photos⧽ ⧼wam-index-header-score⧽ ⧼wam-index-header-rank⧽
2016/01/01 1404 171 9
2016/01/02 816 62 0
2016/01/03 854 34 0
2016/01/04 550 31 1
2016/01/05 1091 79 0
2016/01/06 1388 260 1
2016/01/07 577 41 0
2016/01/08 309 6 0
2016/01/09 634 29 0
2016/01/10 588 21 0
2016/01/11 398 55 1
2016/01/21 335 21 0
2016/01/22 660 27 0
2016/01/23 622 23 0
2016/01/24 815 42 0
2016/01/25 789 83 1
2016/01/26 510 26 0
2016/01/27 495 61 0
2016/01/28 839 99 1
2016/01/29 544 37 1
2016/01/30 1208 98 1
2016/01/31 1418 115 0


⧼quickstats-header-date⧽ ⧼quickstats-header-views⧽ ⧼quickstats-header-edits⧽ ⧼quickstats-header-photos⧽ ⧼wam-index-header-score⧽ ⧼wam-index-header-rank⧽
2015/12/01 497 51 3
2015/12/02 1136 128 4
2015/12/03 1387 200 0
2015/12/04 693 98 1
2015/12/05 772 22 2
2015/12/06 1236 192 0
2015/12/07 1141 149 0
2015/12/08 393 15 1
2015/12/09 465 23 0
2015/12/10 390 8 0
2015/12/11 643 21 0
2015/12/12 569 42 3
2015/12/14 259 5 0
2015/12/15 304 5 0
2015/12/16 617 77 7
2015/12/17 637 69 3
2015/12/18 469 27 0
2015/12/19 447 26 0
2015/12/20 347 5 0
2015/12/23 700 66 0
2015/12/24 634 81 0
2015/12/25 493 23 0
2015/12/26 914 104 0
2015/12/27 774 69 0
2015/12/28 1039 92 0
2015/12/29 1216 84 0
2015/12/30 820 42 2
2015/12/31 1199 112 0


January February March April May June
January February March April May June
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January February March April May June
July August September October November December